Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Essay Topics - Death Comes For The Archbishop

Essay Topics - Death Comes For The ArchbishopDeath comes for the archbishop, and all the priests and nuns. And, he must watch them die; an unexpected death. But there is still one thing he can do: help them escape to another place.He has no time to be a good Christian person or to pray because he knows he is dying and he will die soon. He can't even be a good person in the name of God, he has to perform one act: make sure the people who are important to him are safe. His very job depends on this. The archbishop is the pope of the believers; he is the pope of the human race.But his own family has lost its bishop; his father is already dead. How could he possibly survive, since he is no longer able to control his guilt? And even his friends are also suffering from the grief. It seems he has no friends left. He cannot even walk away from this situation; he must survive.In the meantime, the most influential character in the whole story is temptation. That is the name of the pagan hero wh o came to save the soul of an anti-Christian mystic. The archbishop is finally aware of the threat of temptation, but not yet of the consequence of sin. He can only trust the prophecy of a pagan, though.The pagan tells the archbishop of the treachery of some evil spirits, but the archbishop does not listen to what the pagan says; he does not believe in the words of gods and heroes. The pagan points to the true threat of temptation: human sins against God. The archbishop has to prepare his hands to fight temptation by laying bare his own sins.In the end, he has to protect his own man's family and soul; he can not think that his own family has been killed. The archbishop must try to find another way to save his own soul, and also save the life of his father. Even if he is already dead, he can still stop the temptations of the evil spirits. He has to do something.Before dying, the archbishop always has a guardian angel watching over him. But there is no such thing as a guardian angel f or the archbishop. Instead, there is only the voice of God in his mind. The archbishop can only face the temptation and try to understand that the voice of God is telling him to forgive and not to judge.The Catholic Church is composed of many stories like this. The author believes that every person should read these stories and understand the true meaning of God.

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